mandag, april 28, 2008

Anna og Brage

Kl 12.33 idag kom fantastisk vakre Anna til verden, 3170g og 49 cm kl 1234 kom utrolig flotte Brage til verden 3380g og 50cm . Begge fullstendig perfekte:) jeg er verden lykkeligste far:)


Blogger Hans -K Haakonsen said...

Gratulerer med de nydelige Barna.
Having children born is the most amazing experience in this world (especially 2).

Best Wishes.

The Haakonsen Family

4:21 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Hallo Lille Bror,
Gratulerer Pal og Kjersti!
I don't usually get all gushy over babies but those truly are two beautiful kids, so big and healthy looking, you must be related to me.
All kidding aside, congratulations and we hope the transition to three goes as smoothly as possible.
Wish we could be there to see for ourselves.

5:34 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Grattis mann! Landslaget 2035?

8:13 a.m.  

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